The Third Eye and Spiritual Intuition with Pablo Sender – Theosophical Classic 2012

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The Third Eye and Spiritual Intuition with Pablo Sender – Theosophical Classic 2012

00:00:09:01 – 00:00:39:10

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And good evening, everyone. Thank you for coming in this cold night to share some thoughts about the speech alive and also welcome all those who are joining us on the Internet. Thank you for joining us. Today, we are going to explore a subject that is, I think, fairly interesting. But it’s also important because not necessarily what is interesting is important also.

00:00:39:14 – 00:01:19:25

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Many times things acquire a commercial flavor and they they are not very useful, really, for the speech or life. But the nature of what is called the third eye is something that is important for our spiritual life. So in popular culture, the idea of the third eye is that it is somewhere around, you know, the forehead. Probably most of you are familiar with the depictions in the Hindu gods.

00:01:20:02 – 00:02:00:00

Pablo Senser Third Eye

They have usually a third eye on the forehead. And maybe the this idea of a third eye became really popular in the West through a book that was published in the fifties. Probably many of you have read it by lots and rampant, which was called the Third Eye. But before that, as far as I can tell, the first person that spoke about that, sir, I widely in in public and wrote about it in modern times was Madame Blavatsky.

00:02:01:02 – 00:02:37:29

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Around the 1880s. Before that, we have a reference to a third eye in Plato, actually not in his writings, but there is a Christian church father who was origin of Alexandria and he was writing against Celsus, who was a platonist at the time. And he said, Well, Christianity is it’s closer to the truth because it makes more sense in many ways.

00:02:38:09 – 00:03:09:29

Pablo Senser Third Eye

For example, Platonist say that Plato had a third eye through which he could see things divine. So there is a reference. This was written in the probably 500 C.E. or around that time. So we have some reference to the idea of a third eye also in the West. But for the most part, I think we are familiar with this from the Hindu deities.

00:03:11:17 – 00:03:48:05

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now, when we come to the functions of the third eye, there are descriptions that they don’t necessarily fit. When we compare them, because, for example, it is said that the third eye does see the functions that are said to belong to the third eye. So, for example, the idea of clairvoyance, when a person opens or awakens, the third eye becomes clairvoyant.

00:03:48:05 – 00:04:51:13

Pablo Senser Third Eye

That means that it’s able to see or chakras entities like entities like angels or devils. Another idea related to the third eye is idea, for example, precognition. To see the future, a person that has this their eye active could see the future. Another idea related to it is or the idea of the out-of-body experiences, you know, astral traveling and then also the third eye is related to religious visions, but then also to wisdom, to enlightenment.

00:04:54:12 – 00:05:31:17

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So all these things may seem similar to a person. Well, they are all kind of, you know, not physical. So they may belong to more or less the same realm, the same kind of experiences, but actually they belong to two completely different realms clairvoyance, precognition, out-of-body experiences. These are all psychic experiences. They are related to Sikhism, religious visions and wisdom, enlightenment.

00:05:32:08 – 00:06:01:14

Pablo Senser Third Eye

They are, let’s say, mystical experiences. And there is a big difference between the two, you know, in general. Well, some people think there is only the physical plane and there are only the physical senses. The five senses we know these are materialistic people and they say everything that is not, you know, physical or psychological through their brain doesn’t exist.

00:06:02:12 – 00:06:43:18

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now, there are some other people that say, well, there is the physical and there is the spiritual. So this idea of physical and spiritual. Now, by spiritual, they mean everything that is not physical. And some movements are based on that very basic distinction, physical and spiritual. If it is not physical, it’s assumed to be spiritual. In the theosophical literature, there is a classification that is more detailed and I will provide a simpler form, which is enough for our purposes tonight.

00:06:44:00 – 00:07:14:27

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But in between the physical and the spiritual, there is, as I was saying, the psychic. Both the physical and this and the psychic belong to the personal level. That means, you know, we have the physical senses we are able to see through our eyes. There is also a psychic scene where we can see things that are not physical or we can hear physical sounds.

00:07:14:27 – 00:07:42:15

Pablo Senser Third Eye

There is also a psychic hearing, though. The person hears astral bells or whatever they call them, as sounds that are not really physical. And like that many other things, we can move physically or we can move on the astral plane with this out-of-body experiences. So the psychic is really an extension of the physical senses is neither good or bad.

00:07:43:26 – 00:08:19:04

Pablo Senser Third Eye

The thing is that the psychic will not bring you necessarily wisdom, peace, happiness. You are enlarging your world and you can be happier or more miserable with a wider world. What? What really brings happiness, peace, wisdom? He said development of our spiritual aspect. The spiritual aspect is the source of all these things that we are really looking for, you know, harmony, peace, joy, compassion, wisdom.

00:08:19:18 – 00:08:58:07

Pablo Senser Third Eye

It is by developing our spiritual nature that we can really change our life, our experience of life. So these psychic manifestations, as I said, belong to a more personal aspect of ourselves and the mystical manifestations belong to the spiritual aspect. So why is it that all these different experiences are related to the other? Well, the the answer is that there are two different realities or centers.

00:08:58:07 – 00:09:33:05

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So call it what you will. There are two different scent centers that are called the third eye. They are completely different. And most people are not aware of these. That’s why there is so much confusion about or as to what this eye produces when it is opened in a person. So in Hinduism, for example, the idea of the third eye is connected with what is called the onion chakra.

00:09:34:09 – 00:10:13:12

Pablo Senser Third Eye

You have the idea of char crossing Hinduism, which are subtle centers of energy, and they there are seven of them. And the sixth chakra is in the position of a forehead. So this is also known as the the brow tucker. This chakra, when you see the description in Hindu literature, is related to clairvoyance and precognition to all the psychic function of, of our consciousness.

00:10:14:00 – 00:10:44:22

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So when the third eye is being related to the onion chakra, which is on the forehead, then we have these psychic manifestations. In Hinduism it was not called Third Eye because this is not an eye probably related or the word, for I was associated with the onion cha cha crab because of the position and also because it produces astral seen this clairvoyance.

00:10:45:08 – 00:11:10:04

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But it’s not really an eye. And in Hinduism, I don’t think they in the past they used to call it that. I never found the the phrase third, I in the ancient text, they call it the the eye of Shiva. Shiva is one of their deities, so or they have other Sanskrit names, but they are not they don’t mean their eyes.

00:11:10:05 – 00:11:38:27

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So I think that was more of a Western association of the concept of the Third Eye with the Onion chakra. Now in theosophy they say, Ah, yes, I was saying is something different. Blavatsky says that in the past, far in the past, when the evolution of humanity began, he was a real eye. So that that is why it is called the third eye.

00:11:39:18 – 00:12:06:16

Pablo Senser Third Eye

You know, the idea said the earth evolves in science. We know that at the beginning of the evolution of the earth, he was not really dance or physical. It is more gaseous and liquid. And in theosophy it is said that the evolution of humanity began along with the evolution of the way of the earth. But of course, human beings were not physical at the time.

00:12:06:22 – 00:12:41:14

Pablo Senser Third Eye

They couldn’t live in an earth that wasn’t solid. So human beings were like in their like probably the stage that is similar to a fetus. They were on earth, but they are consciousness was still very primitive and they didn’t have really a physical structure. He was more of an ethereal structure at that time. The both human beings and animals follow, so the whole evolution goes along with the planet.

00:12:41:25 – 00:13:05:17

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So animals are human beings. It is said, that had only one eye and that I was actually on the back of the head. This may seem odd, but if you see in the brain what the Center for the Visual Perception is at the back of the hair, the head, the occipital part of their brain. So they said there was an idea.

00:13:06:25 – 00:13:38:18

Pablo Senser Third Eye

When we are not still physical now, as humanity become more and more physical, begun to develop that the two frontal eyes and the what was sister? I began to shrink and retreat to the center of this call. Now, this happened, of course, the body became more more dense so that I lost the physical function, but still retained a spiritual function.

00:13:38:22 – 00:14:18:03

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Because this I had the beginning of the evolution was both a physical eye and spiritually. So as humanity became more and more physical, the eye loses the physical function, but retains the spiritual function. And then as humanity evolved and became more, became physical, become more, more in touch with the animal instincts, became more sensual and personal. Then, little by little, that spiritually begun to enter into dormancy and became what today is the pineal gland.

00:14:18:28 – 00:14:51:26

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So according to Blavatsky, the pineal gland was actually yanai and today it is a gland. Now this is supported by science to some aspects of this theory, because a pineal gland was discovered to have a retina just like our eyes. It has a visual pigment and it is kind of active in some animals, in fish, in some lasers.

00:14:51:26 – 00:15:24:05

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So science says, Yeah, this was a functional light at some point, but right now it’s not functional, of course. So the idea that the pineal gland was an eye at a certain point in evolution is accepted by science today. So in philosophy we connect the idea of the theory with the pineal gland. Now, if you compare with the chakra system, the pineal gland, you know, different organs have a connection with different chakras.

00:15:24:23 – 00:16:04:22

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So the idea is that the the pineal gland is connected to the seventh chakra, which is in Hinduism, is called Saz. Radha. And this is sometimes called the crown chakra. And when you see the description of the the crown chakra, it’s the activity of the crown crown chakra is related to this mystical aspect, is related to wisdom, enlightenment, to religious experiences.

00:16:04:29 – 00:16:41:16

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So this fits perfectly well in how philosophy describes the function of the pineal gland, because in philosophy, the pineal gland is not related to clairvoyance, it’s related to spiritual intuition, to wisdom. And Blavatsky said that what was related to the Anya Sacra is another gland that is closely associated with the pineal, which is the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland?

00:16:43:02 – 00:17:15:29

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Yeah. The pituitary gland is related to the Anya tetra, and the pineal gland is related to this astral chakra. So we have these two glands, the pituitary gland. This has to do with the psychic development. The pineal gland has to do with the more spiritual or mystical development. The two of them work very closely, not so much physiologically, but on a more esoteric plane.

00:17:15:29 – 00:17:58:14

Pablo Senser Third Eye

I will explain that. But the two of them work very closely. So let us see now what how we can begin to work with these two glands. So first, let me say something. You know, when today in the West, most of the approaches to the theory are related to meditation, where the person tries to manipulate the prana undirected to a particular chakra, or with kundalini.

00:17:58:27 – 00:18:40:14

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Human beings have three aspects. We have a body, let’s say, that are our material aspect matter. We have also energy, life and other kinds of energies. So there is an energy aspect and then we have a consciousness. This is our consciousness aspect. These three aspects are different. They are different aspects of one single nature. But on our body, they are in connection, but separate.

00:18:40:25 – 00:19:10:17

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So some people may think consciousness and energy are the same. They are actually two different manifestations of the same unity of principle. So, for example, there are some techniques to awaken these glands that are related to the physical body. This is, for example, the techniques in Hatha Yoga, not so much. They had the yoga as we know it in the West, the Asana.

00:19:10:17 – 00:19:43:21

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So that is a fairly basic approach to the Hatha Yoga. But in India, the Hatha Yoga involves the tent and many times access to control. Everything in the body they can control. They are heart activity, they are blood circulation, digestion. They are able to produce states in their body where the body becomes completely stiff, like when a person dies.

00:19:44:15 – 00:20:13:06

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So the idea of the Hatha Yoga in in India, the complete discipline is to stop all physical functions so that consciousness cannot work any more through the body and it goes up to the next state of consciousness. There are some techniques that are related to energy. These are very famous today. Some decades ago, the idea of consciousness was fashionable.

00:20:13:06 – 00:20:45:22

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So everybody was talking about consciousness and expansion of consciousness. Then the idea of energy became more and more prevalent. And today there is a lot of activity of the level of energy and trying to manipulate the different energies we have. This has to do with the chakras and Kundalini and pranayama. Pranayama is the stopping off there, the breathing.

00:20:46:16 – 00:21:26:12

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And then we have consciousness. We can awaken this eye by raising our consciousness to spiritual state. So this has to do with now you cannot do this with specific techniques. Something needs will help, but it requires a much more part of our our attitude in life. And we are going to deal with this now, philosophy says that the safest way to develop anything in ourselves is by working at the level of consciousness.

00:21:27:00 – 00:22:03:13

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now this is also proposed by Raja Yoga. There are these three different schools in in the world. You have the schools that are related to the Hatha Yoga method. They work at the level of the matter and the physical. Also some energy. You have the tantra approach there. They work a lot with energy and some with consciousness. Or you have the Raja yoga approach that they work mainly at the level of consciousness or the Vedanta, which is the Indian yoga approach, is also mainly at the level of consciousness.

00:22:03:27 – 00:22:38:21

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Theosophy belongs to that group because the idea is that you can awaken in any center in your body through these three methods, but consciousness will tell you or will will determine where you are going to be aware. So for example, the pituitary gland is like a door is a door that opens the realities of the astral plane. Now, the astral plane has different levels.

00:22:38:28 – 00:23:13:02

Pablo Senser Third Eye

The lowest level is what we usually call hell. And it’s a very densely level with the soul of peoples who were, you know, very aggressive. And it’s a level that nobody wants to go to, you know, in all the the myths, when it is said, for example, that Jesus went to hell and then he came back or any initiate has to go to hell and then come back, because to be an initiate, they have to know all the planes in the universe.

00:23:13:14 – 00:23:37:20

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now, normal people, they never go to those lower levels because they are really bad. But levels they are with a lot of suffering. So you have that on the lower end or you have on the highest end of the astral plane. You have things that are very close to what we regard as heaven, though heaven is on a plane that is above that.

00:23:38:03 – 00:24:02:07

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But the point is that there is a whole different you know, the astral plane is like a world, a whole world in the physical world. You have places that are very harmonious and you have places that are terrible. So the same on the physical, on the astral plane. Now, if you open, you know, the the onion chakra, you will have access to the astral plane.

00:24:02:14 – 00:24:49:27

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now to what level? That will depend on the quality of your astral nature. The astral nature is related to emotions, is related to your degree of spirituality in the sense of love and and compassion, unselfishness. So in philosophy, as in in some other traditions, the idea is don’t the the advice is don’t try to open this doors by forcing them through energy or through physical means, because you may not be ready to go to the places that are good.

00:24:50:00 – 00:25:19:09

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So to say this happens also with drugs, some drugs, what they do, they disrupt the work of the pituitary and the pineal and they open the doors. But some people have terrible experiences because as I was saying, they go to lower levels of the astral plane. So the idea is, yes, you can force the opening of these things by manipulating your energy or or by a certain physical discipline.

00:25:20:04 – 00:25:45:24

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But that is kind of dangerous. But if you work at the level of your consciousness, then when the doors are open, you will be connecting with the higher realms of these planes. So in philosophy, when you see the techniques that are proposed and the way of life, they all point out to work on the expansion and raising of your consciousness.

00:25:46:25 – 00:26:24:22

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So that’s what we are going to to explore next. So let us see. We have seen the connection between the physical aspect of what we call the third eye, which is the pineal gland. Then there is a subtler aspect of the third eye that is the crown chakra, but it also has it in a correspondence or a connection with states of consciousness.

00:26:25:17 – 00:26:54:01

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So in Theosophy we talk about seven different principles of consciousness. Now I will focus only on three, which are related to what we are talking about. There is one that is called body. This is the root. This is a Sanskrit word. The root is both. And it means illumination or wisdom. And the word boot that comes from the same.

00:26:54:16 – 00:27:27:00

Pablo Senser Third Eye

The same root. And this principle is the source of spiritual intuition and intuition in the sense of not as a precognition. The word intuition means a knowledge that is acquired in a direct way, not through reasoning or through your senses in a spiritual way. So spiritual intuition or we can call it spiritual wisdom.

00:27:30:09 – 00:28:05:05

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Then there is another principle in Sanskrit minus, which is what we call the spiritual mind. This is a a lower principle. If you compare with with the spiritual wisdom, but is the the one that will receive that wisdom. Now, this minus, when it comes down to the physical plane, we are talking down and not testing a symbolic way.

00:28:05:24 – 00:28:36:16

Pablo Senser Third Eye

It becomes what we know as our mind, our normal mind that’s sometimes called in case of the lower mind. That lower mind many times gets entangled with the desires and passions and selfishness. So part of the spiritual life is to try to to bring the mind in touch with Buddha instead of in touch with the selfish nature that is seen in every one of us.

00:28:37:09 – 00:29:27:09

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But there is an aspect of the lower mind of our normal mind, which is called, again, in Sanskrit and Karana. This means like the inner organ and the idea is that the undercurrent is the aspect of our normal mind that aspires to the spiritual. You know, when something happens in life, many times you see that two options. Either you do something that you know is wrong, but that you really want to do it because either because it protects you or gives you something or, you know, that is a tendency of the of our mind when it is entangled with our selfish aspect, the antagonist, that aspect of the mind that says, no, this is the

00:29:27:09 – 00:29:56:04

Pablo Senser Third Eye

greater good. This is, you know, what is right to do whatever you. Nobody can tell you what is right or wrong. But the aspect in yourself that says this is the right thing to do, that is the undercurrent. So we could call the the spiritual aspiration every time that we have the aspiration to do the right thing or things related to compassion and love, charity, the antagonist working.

00:29:57:09 – 00:30:19:00

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now these three aspects are connected to the glands that we were talking about, and actually two of them with a glance and body with another organ in the body that we are going to explore. So these and Karana is connected to the pituitary gland.

00:30:22:00 – 00:30:58:03

Pablo Senser Third Eye

This spiritual mind is connected to the pineal gland and the spiritual intuition is connected to the heart. Now we know the physical aspect of these organs. You know, the pineal gland at the physical level produces melatonin. That is a hormone that has to do with the cycle of waking up and going to sleep, along with several cycles in in nature.

00:30:59:03 – 00:31:32:08

Pablo Senser Third Eye

The pituitary gland secretes like nine hormones, CDs related to different aspects of the body, and some of them are related to the growth hormone, some of them are related to the oxytocin to, you know, when you are having a baby. The contraction said different things now. And the heart, of course, is the pump in our body. These are all the physical functions, but every organ has also a spiritual aspect, a spiritual function.

00:31:32:24 – 00:32:22:10

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So as we were saying, the pituitary gland is related to this psychic perception. The pineal gland is related to the more spiritual perception and the heart is related to the spiritual intuition. Now, in a normal person, the pineal gland is only related to the the mental consciousness. Every time that we think the aura of the pineal gland is vibrating and these vibrate and is transmitted to the pituitary gland and to the heart, now the heart is the vehicle for the spiritual intuition, but it is silent in our body because it is not part of our mental consciousness.

00:32:22:13 – 00:32:54:14

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So we all have this spiritual intuition potentially, but we are not aware of of it. Therefore, for us, it’s like if it doesn’t exist, we are all wise people, but we are not aware of that aspect. We are aware of our fears, our ambition, our desires. We are not aware of the wisdom in ourself, the the way that we can become aware of that and eventually get enlightenment is when the heart and the pineal gland connect.

00:32:54:28 – 00:33:38:21

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Then the pineal gland will bring this spiritual intuition into the realm of the mental awareness. So the spiritual practice is that the we need for this is something that connects what we call body with Manas that will connect the heart with the pineal gland. Now, these organs will be fully awakened through only through the awakening of Kundalini. I don’t want to go too much into this because, you know, in the philosophical view of evolution, the evolution of humanity takes millions and millions of years just like the planet.

00:33:39:12 – 00:34:19:16

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And the the awakening of Kundalini will happen naturally in most of humanity, several millions of years in the in the future. Right now, the idea, again, trying to from the philosophical point of view, trying to and I emphasize the philosophical point of view, because there are other traditions that say different and we respect that. But from our point of view and some other traditions also support that, trying to awaken Kundalini right now is something that for the most part produces more problems than not.

00:34:20:00 – 00:34:50:21

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So the these organs will fully awakened only when Kundalini is awakened. But that will happen naturally as we develop the consciousness aspect of our nature. So the idea is if we work on expanding our consciousness and trying to put in touch our mind with with the speech holiness, then Kundalini will rise at its own time, by itself with no dangers.

00:34:52:03 – 00:35:24:15

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So I want to talk about a few techniques that will help at the level of consciousness, not at the level of energy, will help to expand our consciousness. So, for example, the heart was always very important in all traditional spiritual traditions. You have a meditation in the heart almost in every tradition. You know, in Hinduism there is a meditation where the pollution, which is a spirit, is in the heart.

00:35:25:21 – 00:35:53:14

Pablo Senser Third Eye

In Tibetan Buddhism you have the whole deity yoga, where you visualize different diseases in the heart. Even in Christianity, especially in orthodox Christianity, you have them what they call the Jesus prayer, which is a prayer where you focus your awareness on the heart. So in philosophy, there is also some there are also some teachings regarding the meditation in the heart.

00:35:53:27 – 00:36:23:22

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And I say in the heart because the idea is Blavatsky says, usually the pineal gland vibrates and affects the heart, but the heart is the vehicle for the spiritual awareness. So we have to reverse that. The heart has to become active and the pineal gland has to become receptive. When that happens, then our mental awareness becomes open to the spiritual awareness.

00:36:24:19 – 00:36:52:25

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So the idea is, well, if you identify yourself with any part of your body, probably most, most, most of us will say we are in our heads. We the thinker. Now, that is where our awareness is fixed. Today, the meditation in the heart tries to switch that awareness to the heart so that we begin to produce this shift.

00:36:54:02 – 00:37:27:07

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now, to do that, we have to do it in a particular way. The idea within the meditation in the heart is that the mind has to become more and more quiet so that it can become receptive to the spiritual intuition. One way to stimulate the pituitary the pituitary gland in a safe way is through visualization. Every time that we visualize something, this featured function of the pituitary gland activates.

00:37:27:23 – 00:38:00:08

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So that’s why the meditation in the heart is usually accompanied by a lot of visualization. If you see in Tibetan Buddhism, for example, they have very complex visualizations of deities with a lot of details and things in their hands and sitting on different things because the idea is to stimulate the pituitary gland, never squeezes out of the pituitary gland, begins to vibrate it awakens the pineal gland.

00:38:01:04 – 00:38:38:25

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now the pituitary and the pineal are all in the in the brain. So they are like two different directions that tend to awaken the pineal gland. The pituitary gland awakened stay pineal at the level of the mental awareness, but the heart awakens the pineal to the spiritual awareness. So the idea is that in this meditation, you are trying to stimulate the spiritual aspect of the pituitary gland through a visualization, and also the spiritual intuition that comes from the heart.

00:38:39:06 – 00:39:09:18

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So go into the technique. The idea is try to position your awareness at the level of the heart. Now, here there is a warning, because when we talk about heart, we are not talking about the physical heart. The physical heart has the function of being a pump. And if we put our awareness on the physical heart, if that awareness is really deep, we can even affect the functioning of the heart.

00:39:09:18 – 00:39:34:14

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Actually, that is what the heart toys to what we are talking about when we talk about the heart is the spiritual aspect of the heart. And it is said that it is that that the aura of heart is a little outside the physical body. So when you do this visualization, you don’t have to do it inside the physical organ.

00:39:34:14 – 00:40:07:06

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But try to visualize that there is a center here just outside the body at the level of the heart, and that you are like watching your room or perceiving from the heart. This in itself is quite difficult. Most people will need months of practice until they feel comfortable and they feel that they are at that level because our tendency, we are so fixed on our mental awareness that we tend to imagine the heart down there as if we are watching from our head.

00:40:08:01 – 00:40:31:01

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So the idea is to first try to practice so that you feel that your awareness is at the level of the heart in the center of your chest. You can do that by maybe imagining that your body, you know, is higher. Your head is higher above you so that you have the sensation that you are at the level of your chest or in whatever way you can.

00:40:31:17 – 00:41:05:27

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But this is a first step trying to center your awareness in your heart. Then the second thing that you try to do is to visualize in front of you whatever represent to you what is sacred. It could be God or Jesus or Mary. You know, the mother. Mary, if you are Christian or Catholic, you can be Krishna. If you are Hindu, it can be whatever or if you don’t have any religion, whatever brings to your mind, to your awareness, the idea of sacredness.

00:41:06:08 – 00:41:36:16

Pablo Senser Third Eye

You can be your higher self, you know, sun symbol that what you visualize is not important. What is important is what you are evoking with your meditation. So you centering your heart. Then you visualize in front of you the spiritual consciousness. And then what you have to do in the meditation is, little by little, lose this sense that you are your body, that you are yourself, not lose consciousness.

00:41:36:16 – 00:42:05:14

Pablo Senser Third Eye

There are these are two different things. If you lose awareness, you enter into a state of trance and that doesn’t have any spiritual effect, you know, entering into a state of trance. That happens because your awareness went beyond or your consciousness went beyond a level in which you can keep aware. What we need to do, the spiritual nature is in ours, in every one of us.

00:42:05:15 – 00:42:30:08

Pablo Senser Third Eye

The problem is that we are not aware of it. So what we need to do is to try to raise our consciousness, always keeping the awareness. So we are not talking about losing awareness, but in the meditation you begin to lose awareness that you are your personality. You know, in some techniques in Tibetan Buddhism, they say feel that you are the deity.

00:42:30:12 – 00:43:19:16

Pablo Senser Third Eye

They say be proud as a deity, you know, not pride, the personal pride. Just feel I’m not this because we are we are the one. So they they say feel that you are the deity, not the personality that you usually identify with. So this aspect of meditation, the idea is to begin to feel one with that symbol of of the sacred, of the spiritual and the last step is to drop everything and just stay in silence, because it’s in this deep silence where our mental awareness and therefore the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, are receptive to the impressions from the heart.

00:43:20:11 – 00:43:53:25

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So when the visualization was deep enough, drop everything and just stay in a state of being, not doing, not trying to control your thoughts, not trying to visualize anything, just be in that state. Actually, Labaki says this is the pranayama, you know, pranayama means Yama is light sensation and Prana is associated with the breathing. So usually pranayama is taking us stopping your breathing.

00:43:54:15 – 00:44:31:13

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now Blavatsky says there are actually two kinds of pranayama the pranayama where you stop your breathing and the pranayama where you stop your mental consciousness. Mental consciousness, again, not the awareness, but the idea that you are your mind. And she says, it is when you stop your ID with your mind that the third eye opens. So that is what this kind of meditation aims at, at producing a deep state where we are identified with the spiritual and when our mind is in complete silence.

00:44:32:27 – 00:44:59:27

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now, along with all this, obviously during our daily life, because, you know, for how long can you meditate? You may be meditate. You know, for most people you meditate 20 or 30 minutes every day. If a person has a daily meditation, that’s something that not many people have. A person may meditate three times a day or whatever amount of time you meditate.

00:45:01:08 – 00:45:30:12

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Most of us are living in the world. We are not in a monastery, so we cannot meditate the whole day. So if during our meditation we are trained to do this, but then during the rest of our daily life we are not stimulated, stimulating any of these aspects of our aspiration to the spiritual or the spiritual mind or the spiritual intuition, but we are stimulating the personal and selfish and, you know, ambitious self.

00:45:30:25 – 00:45:59:14

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Then the meditation is going to do very little. So along with the meditation, we need to start living spiritually our life. And that’s something that, you know, philosophy always emphasizes a lot because it’s a need that is divorced from your daily living. It’s not going to produce much, especially if you are aiming at a spiritual aspect. You know, to produce psychic results is relatively easy.

00:45:59:25 – 00:46:26:04

Pablo Senser Third Eye

You can be the worst person in the world, and you can awaken your psychic senses. Now, as I said, that usually produces more problems than not. So if you are trying to work on awakening your spiritual aspect, you need to little by little stimulate all these aspects also in your daily living, but of course you need to talk in one hour.

00:46:26:04 – 00:47:05:29

Pablo Senser Third Eye

We cannot cover all the aspects. I just thought about giving a particular technique that is aimed at stimulating this aspect. But as I said, that by itself is not going to be enough. One more thing that is I think is interesting, although is probably not very pleasant to hear, but the pineal gland and the pituitary pituitary gland, they are they have a particular flux of blood.

00:47:06:18 – 00:47:40:11

Pablo Senser Third Eye

You know, most parts of the brain are they have like a filter through which the blood goes. But these two glands are outside that filter and they, especially the pineal gland, is one of the glands that receives more blood than any other gland in the body. So what we take in affect very strongly the pineal gland and the pituitary gland specially.

00:47:40:11 – 00:48:23:20

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Blavatsky said that if you are really working hard on this aspect, you know, in normal people nothing happens. But if a person is really seriously working on this aspect, then there are certain physical disciplines or way of life that the person should be aware of. So she says, for example, that the use of wine, licorice of any kind or any narcotic or intoxicating drug is strictly prohibited for the people who are working on these in the east, where they they have a guru and the disciple.

00:48:23:29 – 00:48:59:25

Pablo Senser Third Eye

This is strictly prohibited. If in doubt, you indulge in all progress is hindered and the efforts of teacher and pupil alike are rendered useless. All such substances have a directly pernicious section upon the brain and specially upon the third eye or pineal gland. They prevent absolutely the development of the theory, calling the East the eye of Shiva. And then she says, drunkenness and fever cause disorder, disorderly motion in the pituitary body.

00:48:59:25 – 00:49:31:18

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And so produce illusions of sight, visions, hallucinations. This body, the pituitary, is sometimes so affected by drunkenness that it is paralyzed. And this trick for billions of alcoholic liquids to all students of occultism turns on this effect, which alcohol produces on the pituitary body and the pineal gland. So the idea is, as I was saying, that the whole life has to little by little, be adjusted.

00:49:32:09 – 00:50:02:03

Pablo Senser Third Eye

You know, usually a small amount of alcohol is not going to affect much. But if a person is really meditating and really trying to follow a spiritual life that is going to stimulate this aspect. What is always recommended is not to use any of these substances because they will go against what this person is trying to do. And sometimes it may even produce some problems.

00:50:02:15 – 00:50:25:16

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Most people have the pineal gland calcified. It’s this is something in science they know. They say by p in most people when they are 50, it is completely calcified. And now later on there were researches that here that this research was here in the US. So I don’t know in other parts of the world, but it’s probably the same.

00:50:26:00 – 00:50:52:28

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But that keeps as young as 13 years old had already calcified the pineal gland and that calcification which then the doctors say this is because of the fluorine in our water and this and that. The Blavatsky talked about that much before 120 years ago and she said that is because the pineal gland is not being used, spiritually speaking.

00:50:53:08 – 00:51:20:13

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So these deposits of calcium have been just because it is inactive. So in most people, probably the they are pineal gland are not even really, you know, sensitive or too sensitive to wine or to drugs. But in spiritual people, I’m sure that the glands are much more sensitive to these things. So, you know, it’s something to keep in mind.

00:51:20:22 – 00:51:45:20

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Nothing is good when we do it with violence like right away. But gradually we should try to be aware of the direction we want to go and willingly, you know, to that direction. So this is more or less what I wanted to share. Now we can open to comments or questions about these, both here and on the Internet.

00:51:47:24 – 00:52:31:10

Pablo Senser Third Eye

It has some you mentioned that you have to incorporate something within your whole life and wouldn’t you say that’s the service aspect of life that would keep those three things going? Yeah. Service is one aspect. For example, service I think affects a lot. The anti-corrosion, the that aspiration to do good for people, you know, not only for for ourselves, a genuine act of service, be anything.

00:52:31:10 – 00:52:51:25

Pablo Senser Third Eye

You know, we are working. We see something on the floor and many times we say, oh, I’m not going to stop and pick it up. You know, it’s to I better keep walking. But if we just do it because then we are protecting the environment for everybody, that is an act of service. I mean, I’m not saying that you are a saint because you do that.

00:52:51:26 – 00:53:16:03

Pablo Senser Third Eye

What? My point is that every little thing that we do for the greater good, no matter how small it seems, is part functioning in this state of consciousness, in the state of consciousness, of aspiration for the good. When we are concerned about ourselves and only ourselves, we are working on a level on the lower level, which in theosophy is called karma minus.

00:53:16:21 – 00:53:55:18

Pablo Senser Third Eye

That’s the selfish mind. So as long as we work in this karma minus all these aspects remain dormant. We have to start shifting our awareness from the selfish mind to this aspiration. Then the spiritual mind is also stimulated by the spiritual aspiration. And for example, a serious study of spirituality, of life from a spiritual point of view stimulates, greatly stimulates the spiritual mind and the spiritual intuition is also stimulated by that and by anything that is related to love, to compassion.

00:53:56:01 – 00:54:13:02

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So service also stimulates their spiritual intuition. So in the philosophical society, we usually say service, meditation and study are three major avenues that that help us develop in an integrated way.

00:54:18:29 – 00:54:55:14

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So are you saying that the heart, when it’s stimulated with love, also then affects the pineal gland? Mm hmm. But then I thought I also heard you say that the pineal gland can affect the heart, too. So how does the other way work with the pineal affecting the heart? Yeah, the normal. The normal action of the pineal gland, the aura, Blavatsky says the vibration of the aura of the pineal gland always awakens a response at the level of the heart.

00:54:56:04 – 00:55:27:27

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So when the pineal gland is left by itself, it is the organ of mental awareness, not necessarily spiritual mental awareness. This was even proposed by the court. You know, the car was a French philosopher. He said the pineal gland is the seat of the soul, is the connection between the immaterial soul and the physical body. So there was this suspicion in the past of the central role of the pineal gland.

00:55:28:16 – 00:55:54:08

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now, the thing is that the when the pineal gland is active, it’s like, you know, there is a wise person whispering something, but we are talking very loud. So we never hear what the person says. And the person will keep quiet. If we don’t listen, then the person will keep quiet. So the heart is always trying to whisper what is right.

00:55:54:19 – 00:56:25:18

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But our mental awareness is so active that is, you know, shutting off what comes from the heart. So that is why the idea is as we silence our speak, our mind, then we are making the because I don’t want to introduce too many elements, but every one of these organs vibrate in seven different or can vibrate in seven different rates.

00:56:26:02 – 00:56:51:21

Pablo Senser Third Eye

The lower ones are related to a personal activity and the higher ones are related to a spiritual activity. So it is only when we are trying to lead the spiritual life that the pineal gland is a vehicle of the spiritual mind, otherwise is a vehicle of mind of mental awareness in general. So as us, we silence are our normal mind.

00:56:52:11 – 00:57:16:07

Pablo Senser Third Eye

What happens is that the pineal gland gets receptive to the the heart and the vibrations of the heart awaken like, you know, a music that you can sound certain notes and that will awaken other notes that are in tune with it. So the vibration of the heart will awaken the higher aspect of or the higher vibration of the pineal gland.

00:57:16:16 – 00:57:51:08

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Then it becomes the spiritual mind. So I would say that the main effect is that we shut off the spiritual intuition that comes the heart first there and then you. That’s I guess my question is, once you’ve achieved this point, what’s it used for? Is it an accolade like a milestone of your achievement, or can you use the insights for something else?

00:57:51:23 – 00:58:16:09

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Mm hmm. Well, two things about the question, which is the first question that probably most of us ask. I know that I always asked that kind of question. Now, that question belongs to our normal mind, which in philosophy is called the lower mind. Because, you know, you say, okay, why would I bother? What is there to what can I gain?

00:58:16:18 – 00:58:44:06

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And that is the how this mind works in every one of us. Now, for example, I think I gave this these example in some other lecture, but if you describe what love is, you know, you say real love makes you sacrifice yourself for the person, makes you, you know, stop doing things that you would enjoy just to please the other person.

00:58:44:11 – 00:59:12:21

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So the lower man would say, why would you laugh? You know, that’s that seems completely useless. But love in itself is a state that is self-fulfilling. So living on the spiritual aspect is self fulfilling. Is that that is the aim of life in itself. Now there is an answer to the lower mind that wants to, to have, you know, the carrot in front so that that we pursue this.

00:59:13:08 – 00:59:45:22

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And the the state of awareness that is centered on the lower mind is always, no matter what we do, will be in touch always to conflict and suffering. We go from pleasure to pain, pleasure to pain, because those are two aspects of the same nature. It is only when we rise above this pleasure and pain state of consciousness that we can experience what some people call bliss or whatever you want to call it.

00:59:46:02 – 01:00:12:19

Pablo Senser Third Eye

You know, bliss sometimes is imagined as a magnified state of pleasure when bliss may have nothing to do with sensation of pleasure. But the idea is by living in the in this on the spiritual nature, which is our real nature, we fulfill the purpose of our life. And at the same time that since we are all connected, that influences the whole humanity.

01:00:13:05 – 01:00:54:01

Pablo Senser Third Eye

It’s just like the atmosphere. You cannot contaminate your atmosphere, you know, the spot where you are, you contaminate the whole atmosphere or you purify the whole against fear. So consciousness is one for the whole humanity. Every time that a person realizes the true nature that affects the whole humanity to a certain extent. Yeah. Here, wait a second. For their make so that you may have already touched on this, but I’m wondering about the third eye that you started out talking about.

01:00:55:17 – 01:01:25:25

Pablo Senser Third Eye

I’m wondering how what the practical you just spoke of some of the practical applications of of the wakening the the pineal gland. But what about awakening the third eye? What it would mean like the pituitary gland? No, the third eye. And like they said, that is not if their eye that is not there now. Right. Yeah. That is that third eye that the anti-Christ connected, as I said, with the pituitary gland.

01:01:26:11 – 01:01:56:11

Pablo Senser Third Eye

We all, or at least every educated, cultured person is awakened on the astral plane. You know, in the in case you are not familiar with this concept, we have the the physical plane, which is the reality. We are all aware of through our physical senses. Now, there are also higher dimensions of reality. Again, don’t think of this as one on top of the other.

01:01:56:11 – 01:02:25:07

Pablo Senser Third Eye

They are interpenetration. But the one that is immediately above us is the astral is sometimes called the astral plane. And when we go to sleep, we lose awareness on the physical plane and then we become aware on the astral plane. Many people are aware on the astral plane. They are like in a bubble, you know, they are aware of life on the astral plane, but not of the environment.

01:02:25:19 – 01:02:48:28

Pablo Senser Third Eye

That is also true for many people on the physical plane. Many people, they seem to be aware to the environment, but they are only aware to they are needs what they want and they can hurt somebody, you know, to pursue the what they want. And they are just vaguely aware that there is some sin out there that claims to be alive, but they are not so alive asylum.

01:02:49:08 – 01:03:16:17

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And so therefore I have to, you know, more right to fulfill my desires than the other person to fulfill his. So on the astral plane, many people are in this state of self-centeredness, also not necessarily aware of of the world, the astral world in itself. But many other people are aware, you know, of the astral plane. Again, the lower aspects of the astral plane are are very undesirable.

01:03:16:23 – 01:03:19:09

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And most people are not not even aware of those.

01:03:21:28 – 01:03:52:09

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Yeah. Nightmares many times come from those levels and now we don’t need anything. I mean, we are already aware on the astral plane, but we don’t remember it because there is no connection so far between our waking consciousness and the consciousness that the astral consciousness we experience when we go to sleep to make that connection. There are several things required.

01:03:52:22 – 01:04:22:08

Pablo Senser Third Eye

One of them is are the pituitary gland is active. So what the pituitary gland does is to open the door to the astral plane. So brings the awareness of the astral plane to the brain consciousness, to the waking state. So a person that activates the pituitary gland becomes clairvoyant, that means is aware of the aura which is on the astral plane or the aspect of the aura that is from the astral plane.

01:04:22:08 – 01:04:48:19

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Because the aura also involves higher planes. It’s aware of the cross island, the esthetic, the plane is like a subtler aspect of the physical. And also there are some checks on the astral plane. So basically what the pituitary gland does is to open the door to the astral plane. And that’s why you you become a clairvoyant or clairvoyant.

01:04:49:11 – 01:05:15:07

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now, how useful that is, it will will depend on your maturity. You know, some first to know that you know, when they when a baby opens his thighs or her eyes, it takes a long time to make sense of what he’s seeing. The same happens with the astral plane. He takes a lot of time to make sense of what the person is seeing.

01:05:15:22 – 01:05:39:18

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And we have hearing that, yes, many people come in with some problems because they open their eyes on the astral plane and they don’t know what they are dealing with. Many times there are entities that are trying to take advantage of you, and it’s opening up to a whole new world you will attract, you know, by the experiences if you are not pure.

01:05:39:26 – 01:06:05:20

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So that’s why is all the emphasis also on being pure. So you can if you are a mature person and you develop psychic perceptions, you can help the world also, you know, because you can add some people help in the healing area, some other people help in some areas. Now, there are some people who are. The question always is, what are you doing right now with the powers you have?

01:06:05:24 – 01:06:30:27

Pablo Senser Third Eye

You know, with your ability, your intelligence, your time, your money, whatever you have? What are you doing? Are you using that to help people in some way? Of course we have to take care of ourselves also. But are you using that then? Because some people are completely self-centered with the powers they already have, and they imagine that if they had higher powers, they would use it for the welfare of humanity for the most part.

01:06:30:27 – 01:06:56:06

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now they will use it in a selfish way, and that generates a lot of karma. So it all depends on your maturity if you are already, you know, helping people around, even if it is your family or at work, not necessarily a big thing, but if your attitude is of being helpful, then yeah, probably if you develop, you know, psychic perceptions, you will tend to do the same with that.

01:06:56:25 – 01:07:27:11

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now that is not necessarily going to be of much benefit for you. As I said, usually it produces troubles and you see many people who are psychic, many of them are unbalanced or some others are not. It’s not a rule by opening up to a whole new world, usually it is another source of destruction. So in you know, in the theosophical approach, we say let these things happen.

01:07:27:11 – 01:07:54:26

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Whenever they happen naturally, work on developing your spirituality and when they open up, you will be mature wise, you know, the more you become sensitive to the astral round, that means you become more sensitive to people’s feelings and thoughts you enter in a place if there is sadness there, you become sad and we are naturally protected by nature not to feel the things you know that are out there.

01:07:54:26 – 01:08:21:01

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But if you see the world with so much violence, you have to develop first a certain equanimity so that when you are more sensitive and get in touch with all these bombarding of energies, that doesn’t throw you, you know, away in your balance. So first, you have to develop this equanimity regarding emotions, and then you can safely open up to the emotions of the world.

01:08:21:17 – 01:08:48:13

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So it is much more trickier than most people think. They think, Oh, I can read minds or see your eyes. Yeah, that’s the fun part. But the reality is much more complex than that and still there are some people that are mature and nothing you know necessarily about happiness, but yeah, there was back there a question. Yeah, you people.

01:08:48:29 – 01:09:18:14

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Oh, wait a second. The low. Yeah. Oh, what about the people who claim to have connections with angels and are they working from the astral plane or is their pineal gland open? What what are they? Some are and some are not. And then I need it’s very difficult to I mean, that’s that’s not for us to say who is and who is not.

01:09:18:14 – 01:09:43:28

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But the astral plane is full of different entities, for example. Well, people, when they are sleeping, I said they are aware on the astral plane sometimes you have a dream that you meet a friend and then the friend calls you and you have, you know, talk to that friend for some time. That is a very common experience. That’s because you met the person on the astral plane when the two of you were were sleeping.

01:09:44:24 – 01:10:10:29

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now, people who die are also they are on the astral plane also for a while. Then they go beyond. But but people who die, they linger on the astral plane for a long time. These people, they don’t have the physical body, but they have all their desires. So it’s like, you know, you say, okay, I have a particular addiction.

01:10:11:26 – 01:10:37:03

Pablo Senser Third Eye

If suddenly you cannot fulfill that addiction, you know everything that happens inside of you, you know, when you are trying to quit smoking or whatever it is, well, that is exactly what happens when a person dies. The person still keeps the habits, addictions and all that, but there is no physical body to to fulfill that. So it’s like the person is forced to be on a diet of whatever that person was addicted to.

01:10:37:14 – 01:11:04:05

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And these people many times crave to try to get in touch to a person that opens the doors for that and feel the sensations of the person, feel sensations through that person. And that’s very, very bad for the person that is open to that. So a person that that is in this state and sees that there is a person that has a mechanistic ability, is not going to come and say, hey, I’m a dead person.

01:11:04:05 – 01:11:24:25

Pablo Senser Third Eye

I was very attached to the world. I was a bad person. I want to feel the world through you. He would say, I’m Jesus, you are the chosen one to give a message or an angel or whatever you have in your mind. Because on the astral plane, everything that you feel and think is there so they can see it.

01:11:25:11 – 01:12:02:19

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So they will say, If you believe in the Masters, they will say, I’m a master. Now sometimes they could be real entities, good entities. You know, it all boils down to me to two things purity. And this firmament. Purity will tend to reject the lower entities, and discernment will tell you if you know this entity entities really is is really unselfish because the typical is that they will try to flatter you.

01:12:02:19 – 01:12:26:29

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So You open the door to them and the person great somebody you know from a different and as I said most people think if it is not it is spiritual. So if some something spiritual comes to them, the person feels special, you know, unique and that life has a different meaning. And all that is many times the trap.

01:12:27:11 – 01:12:56:21

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So all that can happen in most most of these people, yeah, they gland at least is, is much more awake and then in normal people. But as we said if the state of consciousness is not mature then that will produce some of this these problems. So, you know, the answer is sometimes yes, sometimes no. They are not the entities they claim to be.

01:12:57:09 – 01:13:31:04

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And that’s for the person to determine, because there is a woman who has written many, many books and angelic communication and she claims that she speaks with Archangel Michael. Yeah, you Know many archangels. Yeah. There are thousands of people that today that do that. And many times we have, as I said frequently, people come in saying I’m in communication with for some reason Michael and Gabriel seems to be the more the most, you know, keen to communicate.

01:13:31:04 – 01:14:04:21

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And we have several people coming and saying that they are in communication with these angels and sometimes they are saying opposite things. You know, if you go to the Internet, you can do a search, have like 140,000 pages with people who are channeling and they many times say opposite things and, you know, there is also a question, everything that I said, too, tonight, for example, if you don’t know about the subject in particular, you would say, oh, this is cool information.

01:14:05:02 – 01:14:25:20

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Now, if I were in physical here, if I had died and were on the astral plane and still to be, you know, I have a craving to be famous. And so I put a name, let’s say maybe an Egyptian name, and I tell a person that is sensitive to the astral plane, exactly the same that I’m telling today.

01:14:26:06 – 01:14:49:21

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But I don’t have a physical body. That person will naturally assume that. I can assume that I’m God. Oh, but see, this information is really deep, really. But if you listen to the same information from a normal person, you wouldn’t see you would say, yeah, it’s okay. So, you know, all these things are tricky. We have to be to be careful.

01:14:49:21 – 01:15:24:22

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Again, I’m not saying everything is a hoax or that everything is true, but the actual world is much more complex than most people think, and there is certainly room for all these different things. So again, with information, if information helps you spiritually take it, it does. It matters if it comes from an angel or from a person, if the information really gives you, you know, inspiration or teachings to be more spiritual, well, who cares where it comes from, you know?

01:15:24:29 – 01:15:53:04

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So Judge thinks, according to the information, that is probably the safest and. It doesn’t matter if the person claims that is God or that it’s just a person that died. I had read a lot of theosophy books in her in his life that, you know, can you communicate with like your higher self or your divine self? Mm hmm.

01:15:54:07 – 01:16:23:09

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Yeah. Yeah, actually, spiritual intuition comes from our higher self. The higher self in in philosophy is these two principles minus of the spiritual mind and body, and above in the philosophical classification is odd man, which is like the universal self. This is what we really are the one self. There is only one self in the universe that is experiencing the universe through all of us.

01:16:23:24 – 01:16:56:09

Pablo Senser Third Eye

So we are not really different now that universal self experiences through different channels. Each one of us is one of those channels. So that channel is what we call the higher self. So all this practice, we are talking about it the higher self. So as I said, with the astral plane, the higher self is on these two planes higher than the astral and the higher self is already there.

01:16:56:22 – 01:17:21:11

Pablo Senser Third Eye

The problem is that we are not aware of higher self, so all this practice is what they are trained to do. It’s like we are fixed, we have our eyes fixed on a corner and we are not seeing the whole so we are fixed on that corner. What we have to do is to stop looking at there and look at the whole we are fixed on our mind, emotions and body.

01:17:22:01 – 01:17:52:23

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But this is not the whole of what we are actually is a very small fragment. So these practices try to make us look at the whole of what we are and realize what we call our higher self. So all these techniques are helping in that direction. We have one question from the Internet. It says, Pablo, you quoted HP views on the ways liquor and drugs interfere with one spiritual development.

01:17:52:23 – 01:18:27:15

Pablo Senser Third Eye

Where can we read her comments and specific oops helps and hindrances to intentional spiritual growth? Where was your quote from now? The quote from was from the collected writings. Who the volume ones under instructions when she was alive. Because philosophical society is open to any person and they don’t have to believe in anything in particular and they don’t have to be committed to any spiritual life.

01:18:27:29 – 01:19:01:14

Pablo Senser Third Eye

But there were some people that wanted to to have a more active discipline. So Blavatsky formed what she called the eastern section or esoteric section, where she gave teachings more geared towards spiritual practice. So these teachings were published later in the collected writings in the 12th volume, in the esoteric teachings, I think he said there were like five instructions that she gave five little pamphlets and this is the fifth one.

01:19:02:19 – 01:19:32:19

Pablo Senser Third Eye

If that is the question, that’s the source here. And maybe we can meet one question. I mean, I could stay, but we have to. Look, you mentioned alcohol in this previous question. Here is sort of what I was thinking. Medications were on medications now anti-depressants, blood pressure. Are there any connections? Two practices. And with the alcohol, a lot of that is in tension.

01:19:32:19 – 01:19:58:13

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And when we take mimetic medications, the intention to set speak to. Yeah, I think the intention matters a lot but also the chemical matters, you know, the chemical whether even if our intention is is good, the chemical will produce a certain physical effect. But certainly the intention also acts, you know, more energy in one direction or the other.

01:19:59:22 – 01:20:32:00

Pablo Senser Third Eye

There are some medications also, especially medication side our perception or the nervous system. They they affect all these these glands. But, you know, in India, I was I lived in India for two years. And I heard once a comment from a spiritual person. They are. That said, in the West, you know, people believe too much in the need to take medicines, even for life.

01:20:33:09 – 01:20:56:26

Pablo Senser Third Eye

And this person was saying, I don’t think that that’s really necessary or so it’s a cultural thing also. And you I always wonder, you know, how much we really need or not. And I try to avoid it as much as possible. But sometimes we need medicine and that’s a fact. And if we need some medicine that that may affect the pineal gland and the pituitary gland.

01:20:57:24 – 01:21:41:22

Pablo Senser Third Eye

That’s fine. We have so much to do purifying our our motivation expanding our spiritual understanding of the world that if we have to do it, you know, just do it and work on spirituality in a more general way. We have a lot to do. But now if it is something you can choose and if you are really serious and say, you know, this is really vital for me, then yeah, try to to avoid.

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