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MidJourney – How to write better prompts – with MULTI PROMPTING – Tip 01

#MidJourney#AIART#masterclass‎@AAcreation911 #AAcreation911 @LevendeStreg#LevendeStreg VLOG Subscribe Tip #1Multi Prompting for MidJourney Ai Artists What are you looking for? PLEASE write it in a bunch of different ways. Let me give you an example with a dog and pink hair.  We will make 9 prompts and each one will be a bit different and the results are on your …

MIDJOURNEY AI ART – getting started guide – FREE TUTORIALS

1 MidJourney TIPS & TRICKS (for better prompts) 2 MIDJOURNEY Tutorial: [REMIX and FIX your ART] 3 MidJourney TIPS & TRICKS (create seamless patterns) 4 MIDJOURNEY Tutorial: [UPSCALE your AI ART] for better prompts,FREE TUTORIALS,getting started guide,midjourney,MIDJOURNEY AI ART,TIPS & TRICKS,MIDJOURNEY Tutorial,REMIX and FIX your ART,create seamless patterns,UPSCALE your AI ART,


I’m blogging and sharing some of my AI art. As I learn to incorporate artificial intelligence into my artwork.  I want to teach others how they can use it and be abundant online. The goal is simple to be making money 24/7 so we can enjoy this beautiful planet. Artificial intelligence has been sneaking up …

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