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Islam is one of the world’s major religions and it was promoted by the Prophet. Muhammad in Arabia and the 7th Century. The Arabic term, Islam means surrender and it really sheds some light on the fundamental religious idea of Islam, which is that the believer called a Muslim fully surrenders to the will of Allah, the term for God, in Arabic inside this religion. Despite many claiming that Islam is United and has only one religious path. There are still very As schools of thought and branches of Islam that exist today. Hello everyone. My name is Leroy Kenton and welcome to another episode of FTD facts. This is a channel where we explore the various different people countries, cultures and history from all around the world. And in this episode, I’m exploring the five major branches of Islam, the branch, I’m gonna start off with in this episode is the sunnis. Sunni is the largest branch of Islam and it represents about 90% of all the followers of Islam worldwide. Soon. Islam is the largest religious denomination followed by Catholicism and sunnis regard their Branch as the mainstream and traditionalist branch of Islam. Sunni followers, believe that Muhammad had not appointed as specific successor and many years after the death of the prophet, and a lot of debate followers chose Abu Bakr to be the successor, abubakar became the first openly declared Muslim outside of Makes family Abu Bakr, had served as a very trusted advisor to the prophet Muhammad now, when we look a little bit closer inside what the sunnis believe. Well, a lot of their beliefs, really emphasized, the views of their community at large with the sunnis instituting consensus. This allowed them to incorporate various different Customs. I came through historical development, but don’t necessarily have any base roots in the Quran. The sunnis also recognize the six sound books of Hadith and these books of Hadith can change spoken tradition, that’s attributed to the prophet Muhammad. The sunnis also accepted the four schools of Islamic law. Okay, so now moving on to the next branch of Islam that I want to talk about. Hsieh the shiaa sometimes written as Shiite is it movement within Islam, and it has very political Origins. So, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in ad 632, the founders of the Shia movement, they wanted power to pass to the prophet Sunnah. In law, and cousin named Ali. And then, to his mail successors, from there on out, and she has believe that Muhammad personally chose, a lie to be his successor, in the she have faith. They also have imams, and these are people that are more Central figures as well as Community leaders. She has have a great influence in the Contemporary World in Iran where nearly 90% of the Muslims are Shia Muslims, but she are also the majority in Iraq, Bahrain, and Yemen. Nah, I’m sure most of us have heard of the five pillars of Islam. Well, the five pillars of Islam. Yes. They’re shared between Shia and Sunni. Faiths, however, the Five Pillars are represented differently in Shiite. Islam, the five principal pillars of shh, our tawheed which is the Oneness of God nabuwa, which is prophethood, resurrection, Divine Justice and imama, which is a belief in the political and spiritual supremacy of the prophets. Assessors. Now before we continue, we have done several videos that explore the religion of Islam. In a lot more details. I do have a playlist in the card section of this episode. There’s also a link in the video description and I’ll also have the playlist at the end of this episode. And in it, there’s a video where we talk a lot about the differences between the Shia and the Sunni Muslims, a lot more detail. So you definitely want to check that out. The third branch of Islam now that I’m going to talk about is a body. A body is a school of Islam, that’s very dominant in the country of all. Come on. Although he bodies them is often described as very conservative. It is considered a tolerance sect of Islam and it emphasizes the rule of the just and rejects violence as a means to political ends. The body population is very small when he compared to the Sunni and Shia Muslim population. There roughly 2.7, two million, your bodies in the world. And most of them live in Oman, Oman is also the only country in the Muslim world that has anybody At its population. Now the roots of e Bond ISM stem from 7th Century, about 20 years. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, he bodies can be traced back to the car or Giants who came into existence during the first Islamic Civil War. Back in 1656, to 1661 courage. Rights were the earliest Islamic sect and they emerge as a result of the religio-political controversy over the caliphate and the caliphate is a political religious State comprising, the Muslim Community and the lands, as well as the people under its Dominion in the centuries following Saying, the death of the Prophet Muhammad. And another thing that makes the body’s distinct from the other Muslim branches. Is that your body’s believe that the Muslim Community can govern themselves, they do not need any sort of religious central figure and they’re also distinct in that it bodies. Do not believe that a Muslim leader needs to be a descendant of the tribe of the Prophet Muhammad. Next up, I want to introduce ahmadiyya. The ahmadiyya Muslim. Jamaat is a very Dynamic, and it’s also a fast.

Growing International movement within Islam. It was founded in 1889. The ahmadiyya is the only Islamic organization to believe that. The long-awaited Messiah has come in the person of Mirza, Ghulam Ahmad, who is born in 1835 to 1908 in qadian. India Mirza, Ghulam Ahmad claimed that he was divinely appointed as both the promise Mahdi, which is the guided one and Messiah expected by Salam’s to appear towards the end times of the earth and bring about a very peaceful Triumph of Islam all across the world. It’s also believed that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed would embody the expected religious figure of major religions around the world. The ahmadiyya believe that God sent Mirza Ghulam Ahmed just like Jesus to end religious wars, condemn violence and bloodshed and reinstitute morality in the world as well as Justice and peace worldwide.

That said, the followers of a mahdia Islam, do not believe that. Muhammad is the final Prophet. Now, the largest populations of ahmadiyya Muslims are found in Indonesia, West and East Africa, as well as South Asia as part of their efforts to really revived Islam. The ahmadiyya Muslim Community, they continue to spread a mods teachings of moderation and restrained, and all of this, in the face of opposition, from other Muslim groups, the ahmadiyya Muslim Community He also believes in the separation of mosque and state. So the difference between religion and politics? They want to keep that completely separate over a century ago. Mirza, Ghulam Ahmad, he taught his followers to protect the sanctity of both religion and government by becoming righteous Souls falling. Your religious practices as well as being loyal and faithful following the laws of the land, but never ever combined the two of them. Now, the final group I’m talking about in this episode

So it is sufis Sufism known as te Salve in the arabic-speaking world is a form of mystical Islam, and they really emphasize the beliefs and practices in which Muslims can seek and find a path to Divine love and knowledge through direct. Personal experiences of God, the Sufi, practice focuses a lot on the renunciation of material things. They focus a lot on the purification of the soul and followers. Try to get closer to God by seeking spiritual I’m learning known as tariqa. One of the most important rituals in Sufism is the zikr during a zikr. One, remembers God through meditation chance as well as a lot of body movement, certain attributes, and qualities of God are repeated by the person until they become saturated with God. Now, this ritual is supposedly supposed to transform them and as they dance and move around for hours, they reach a state of ecstasy.

Which they purify their Hardware. They are only conscious of the presence of God. This is a complete surrender and a complete emptiness to self. They believe that this experience of higher Consciousness and being one with God does not have to wait until Paradise, it can actually be achieved. Now right here on Earth, as we know it turkey and Persia are actually considered to be centers of Sufism. Throne the world but Sufism has also reached Greece Albania and Macedonia as well. In other places. I was your brief overview of the five. Major branches of Islam. Be sure to leave your thoughts and comments down below as well as anything that you request. Any other topics that you want us to cover her nephew dfacs Below in the comment section, you can reach out to me on Instagram, the link to that is below in this video description and while you’re at it, leave a like on this video, it lets me know that you at least got some value from the information shared in this episode. Thank you for watching this episode of MTB facts. I’m Leroy pendant and I’ll see you in another episode.

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