passengers and drivers

Is Uber safe? Addressing safety concerns for passengers and drivers.

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3rd October 2022


I drive Uber daily and run into a lot of unsafe situations. For drivers and passengers.  We need to work together as Uber and Lyft don’t care about us.  For them its profits and earnings.  I will share videos, pictures and audio daily about the topic at hand. 


  1. Uber / Lyft is safer or we make a new app.
  2. Win, Win, Win for Passengers, Drivers and Uber / Lyft.


Updates / Notes

Is Uber safe? Addressing safety concerns for passengers and drivers.

If we dont worry about our safety then who will?  While using a rideshare app, especially if it’s late at night. Uber and Lyft are very unsafe.  This is from a 46 year old dad who drives to survive.  I am worried about personal and vehicular safety. I am definitely not alone.

Uber made news in July 2022 after being sued for 550 sexual assault and attack claims, leaving many wondering how safe using the app for transportation actually is.

Drivers will say it’s very unsafe and I will give my personal examples below.  In a statement to USA TODAY, Uber said it takes “every single report seriously.”

I highly doubt that.  They have AI doing all the work.  Can you call and talk to Uber? a real human? NOPE

“There is nothing more important than safety, which is why Uber has built new safety features, established survivor-centric policies, and been more transparent about serious incidents,” the statement said. “While we can’t comment on pending litigation, we will continue to keep safety at the heart of our work.”

This is why I am blogging. When I drive and a passenger wants to stop at the gestation for a bathroom break.  The Uber Driver App has no idea how to deal with this.  We as drivers have no way to say.  YO, pause for 5 min AI.  

emergency protocol begins and calls and texts come… How is that safe for driving?

Is Uber safe?

Uber’s 2019-2020 Safety Report states that  99.9%  of all Uber rides are completed without incident. 

If you give 1,000,000 million rides yes it will show that above.  But even 1 life lost due to Uber Safety is not okay.

Why does the uber app have us pickup kids at High School?  Why even allow that and to Elementary Schools?

The 78-page report stated Uber dealt with 3,824 incidents of severe sexual assault and misconduct in the U.S., including that 20 people were killed in assaults.

How can we save 20 lives in 2022? How about more background checks like monthly or weekly.  Why once a year uber?

The company reported 141 incidents of rape and 998 incidents of sexual assault in 2020, according to NBC News.

Why are single women allowed to take an Uber at night when they are drunk and not coherent?

Why not have the late night drivers be the Diamond drivers? The ones with a 4.95 rating are safe for passengers who are drinking.  

Additionally, the report states about one in 90 million trips resulted in passengers dying in fatal car crashes. 

True but every day we drivers are at a risk of being in an accident. Uber does not cover us and gets away with it because they have $ and lawyers.  

With a rate of 0.62 Uber-related motor vehicle fatalities per 100 million Uber-related vehicle miles traveled, Uber had about one-half the death rate of the entire U.S., which was 1.22 motor vehicle fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled, according to the report.  This means using Uber to get from point A to point B could be relatively safer than driving yourself, with regard to motor vehicle deaths.

True because we are professional drivers with no weapons.  Cops have backup and a partner.  Uber drivers have nothing but God.

Is Uber safe for women?

While people of all genders can be victims of sexual assault, women have reason to be particularly worried about attacks. The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network reports that 90 percent of adult rape victims are female, as well as 82 percent of juvenile rape victims.

Women drivers don’t go at night and drive.  Please drive from sunrise to sunset.

According to an women’s safety report in 2020, Uber and Lyft are safer for women than taxis, professional car services and public transportation. Still, that doesn’t mean rideshare transportation always happens without incident.

I alway look in my passengers eyes and have a conversation. I txt, call and I am always alert on every ride.  Why do I drive slow? One ride at a time and then break.

Even though Uber requires background checks and vets its drivers each year, plenty of people feel unsafe in an Uber. The report states 23% of women surveyed say they reported uncomfortable driver behavior to Uber. Lyft came in slightly lower, with 15% of women surveyed saying they had reported a driver’s behavior to Lyft.

This goes both ways.  Passengers are abusive towards us also.  It comes down to about 1 crazy person per month and I take about 10 passengers a day.  So 1 out of about 300 is a difficult ride and unsafe.

More:Uber details nearly 4,000 incidents of sexual assault, misconduct in latest safety report

Solution #1


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