Homeless people are in a tough situation in California

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Homeless people are struggling in California. This is unfair because other countries don’t have the same issue. I asked myself this question every day while I drive Uber. 

There are many homeless people in the world and the reasons why they are homeless vary. Some people are homeless because they can’t afford a place to live, while others are homeless because they don’t have any family or friends to help them out. Regardless of the reason, it’s clear that being homeless is a difficult situation to be in

Why do people walk by these people and not notice that it’s a human being? I help them everyday with money, food, water, eye contact, and a conversation.

How did a homeless person get to where they are? Why is this important to know? I think the right question to ask is, “What if I was homeless? What would I want done?”

When someone is addicted, their mind is not their own. They cannot think rationally, no matter how much they want to.

Now it’s pretty clear the government isn’t going to do much and your city isn’t going to do much either. They are doing what they can, but it’s getting worse – it’s not working. With inflation, recession, and Covid-19, the people who have a handicap or disability are the ones who are struggling the most.

This is a problem because there’s enough money and food for everybody on this planet, all that’s needed is a way to communicate and for us human beings to have an answer or a simple solution to a complicated problem. I’m going to give you one solution for homelessness today and I believe this is the only solution that anybody really needs if you think about it

We shouldn’t judge homeless people and think it’s not our responsibility to help them. If you own a house or a business and see a homeless person around, why don’t you help them? It’s not just one person’s responsibility. If five or 10 people in the neighborhood help that one homeless person, they can get back on their feet.

It’s hard enough for me at 46, working 10-15 hours a day. I can’t imagine how hard it is for homeless people, especially those with mental health issues or addictions.

I’m driving to get gas for Costco and it’s going to be another 12-15 hour day to drive and make some money. You see a homeless person in your neighborhood around your business. If you see that person often, we’ll talk to him and go get him help. If you are afraid and unable to speak, there are organizations and services that can help. Remember, a lot of homeless people aren’t even coherent enough to go eat or go to the bathroom. Sometimes like other homeless people help other homeless people. It’s like their own community

We can make a difference by reaching out to just one person in our neighborhood. It doesn’t take the government, our parents, or our religious organizations telling us to do it. All it takes is recognizing the need and being willing to help.

Helping others is important. When you do, blog about it and take pictures and videos to show people. This can give hope to other homeless people that come across your content

Now, I live my life one day at a time, one moment at a time and just try to stay balanced and relaxed. There are happy moments and opposite of happy moments, but at the end of the day I just tried to make sure my body is good, my mind is good, my breathing is good and I am doing the best that I can to help whoever the universe brings in my life.

I’ll give you a small example from a different perspective to help illustrate my point.  Taxi drivers are known to have a certain attitude and a certain demeanor because of their lifestyle and the interactions they have with people on a daily basis.  Uber and Lyft when they first came out, the drivers were like your nice friendly neighborhood driver, not like a taxi driver.  Once Uber and Lyft took the taxi industry out, guess where all those drivers went.  All the drivers that were driving for taxi companies and that had that kind of personality, basically ended up driving for Uber or Lyft.  This is why you have so much crime. This is why you have so many instances of rape. This is why you have so many incidences withSECOND OPTION:

It’s important that we take care of everyone in our community, including taxi and Uber drivers, homeless people, and single mothers. If we can learn to help each other, we can make things a little bit better, a little bit easier

I’m Ahmed Mustaf Ahad, a single dad, and I love creating content like blogging, vlogging, pictures, and videos with graphics that I then share across all my social media platforms. If you found this content somewhat educational or relevant, please show your support by liking, commenting, and asking questions. I make myself available across all my channels and every day every week I respond to everyone to the best of my ability. It’s fun! I have at least 15-20 people commenting and messaging me everyday and we talk about issues like this. Then I create more videos

It’s hard being born Muslim, but I left because I don’t agree with how hypocritical Muslims can be. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a hypocrite, and the rest of you don’t have to, but just understand that almost everything you say, think, and do is based on conditioning that is outside of your control. Why judge the homeless, single mothers, or those.

The secret to life is being happy with every interaction and trying to help and serve as much as possible

Why should you care about homeless people? Because everyone deserves a chance. You can help by donating or becoming a member of an organization that helps the homeless. Together we can make a difference and help those in need.

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