Gigi Young – The Eighth Sphere – Watch on YouTube

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Thank you so much for joining me today. And today, we’re going to talk about something called the eight sphere. It’s something that I have lectured about before I have done interviews on and it’s a really, really important concept that we understand for our time. So I decided I was going to grab one of your questions from social media and answer it. So this question is from Mahima Janea and you said, hey, Gigi always love and appreciate what you do. Just wanted to express a request here. Could you do a video on the connection between the sack girl chakra and the eight spare would really love to know your thoughts on it. So actually really incredible that you made this connection between sacral chakra, which is the second chakra in the huge chakra system and this sort of false sphere around the earth because we can make connections between how our chakra system actually interacts with higher worlds and also, you know, even the aids fear, especially the sacral chakra on a lower chakras. So, before I get into the exact connections between the eight sphere, and the sacral chakra, let’s just dive into what the eighth sphere is exactly. So this is important because anyone who is doing spiritual development work, anybody who is doing psychic development, anything to do with connecting with higher realms spirituality, you have to have a good strong sense of cosmology. You have to have a cosmology. One of the biggest mistakes that’s made today, especially in the new age is when people believe that they can just open up to the spiritual world and that they’re consciousness or their mind will automatically take them. Exactly where they need to go or bring them to the highest plain possible just by default. That’s actually not how psychic ability works and an actual fact, psychic ability works as a mirror or as a kind of resonance or frequency matching and we attract in the spiritual world, what we are inside of ourselves or we attract in the spiritual world, the exact level of development that we have within ourselves. So this means that being psychic is not enough, you know,

Each or to even work as a psychic. I think ability in itself is not enough in, psychism is not actually a great gift. The real power comes in and actually understanding the structure of the universe of structure of the cosmos and the structure within ourselves. And once we know that once, we understand that, once we have the sense of cosmology, then our psychic abilities. Actually have a structure in which they could function properly, they can actually understand what psychic time is, which is divided into very specific epochs, that have very specific type of consciousness in them. So every single epoch of humanity, whether it be the liberian epoch, or the Atlantean epoch, or the post-it landing epoch where we are now, every single epoch is actually delineated as an epoch of time because not just for the convenience of knowing different time periods. Now, they’re actually delineated because they represent different stages of human consciousness. The different stages of human consciousness develops. And I’m going to link below a lecture that I did a few months ago on called human and cosmic evolution. It’s totally free. I will link that below and then you can get a good. Look at the different epochs of humanity and also the different epochs of the earth. Our earth are the earth that we live on in. It has had different incarnations. Different different incarnations and different stages in its own development that we have been involved with it on as well. We often perceive these as other worlds and there are other actually kind of stored in the planets around us as well. But even her planet is developing. And so then we don’t know these fundamental laws of development and we don’t have this cosmology. What we end up doing is just simply connecting with whatever is up there and most likely, we’re going to connect with something called the atesphere, or we’re going to start connecting into the lower planes. So let’s get into what the aid sphere is. Now that we know that we really have to be educated in cause incorrect cosmology and correct, human development and

Monetary development to actually, truly be having spiritual experiences and getting spiritual knowledge. That’s actually not conflated and – you know, we have to

Ready, fully aware of enough and you start opening up. Psychically. Why is it that you will tune into the? Okay, the reason why you will tune into the eight sphere, is because the apes fear forms a kind of what you could call a false reality around the earth. So you could look at the earth as being in the third dimension and then just in a little bit of a higher dimension, there is what you would call a sphere or an energy body around the earth and it is sort of a catch-all if you will for anything that is not completely and totally aligned with natural law. It’s a catch-all for anything that isn’t true or anything. That’s out of alignment, kind of goes into the creation of the eight, sphere that continuation of the atmosphere. And so in order for a mystic to truly be able to get past that realm of false information, you really have to be very precise in your knowledge and you have to be very educated on the reality that the eight sphere exists and what it is. We can’t expect to just open up psychically and think that we’re going to get through the eight sphere and everything’s going to be perfect. Because the whole point of the eight sphere is that it’s also kind of a realm of trickery and it’s it’s essentially it a really really good way to look at it as well. Is a false cosmos or a false reality kind of like a complete inversion and mockery of our world. And also the higher worlds because it stands between our world and the real heavens or the real higher planes that are more. So, it’s kind of like this really nasty chaotic, dark catch all that surrounds, the planet that’s made up of all incongruent thought. All sort of darkness, all sorts of hatred, and any thoughts, formulations in our mind and being

And so licenses that have fallen out of step with natural law or God’s law. So immoral unethical, all of that kind of stuff is getting gathered up in the eighth sphere and it kind of surrounds our planet like a mirror. Now, in the New Age, the closest thing to the AIDS, fear is going to be something called the lower astral plane. You’ll find a lot of parallels in the teachings around the lower astral plane. And the eighth sphere, now the teachings of the aides fear predate the kind of Concepts in the new age and the new age is sort of a bastardized version. These ancient traditions and real esoteric. Cosmology has that used to sort of exist more so in our past, but I’ve sort of become hyper commercialized and broken up into all these little pieces. And now we’re only getting little remnants of things but not the full teaching, not the full lesson and that’s very dangerous. Because the eighth sphere is also kind of fragmented. Truths that are not used correctly. That can feel useful in the moment but are actually surrounded by a lot of mystery and that can be very dangerous is that you can sort of get information that you feel like is true because it will have some themes in some truth in it but it won’t be the highest Truth for the time in order to get the highest truth of the time and tap Into your genuine creativity, your genuine genius your genuine inspiration and actually get very powerful psychic, information, power to develop. You actually have to go through the 8th sphere pass through it and into the higher planes, Okay, so the real tricky thing with this is that the eighth sphere from what I can tell is A complete false.

Beings and aliens and all of the stuff, but it’s really all just trapped in the eight spirits, really all just kind of trickster, like, entities that are trapped. And that’s fear that I’m looking to that are looking to live through humanity. Now, this teaching was not taught in mystery schools because of how dark this particular reality is. And in earlier times, you know, they didn’t want the concept to get distorted and taught in properly which it has several different times. And they also didn’t want to frighten people that were developing in the earlier stages of development. They didn’t want people to think that. Oh my god. You know, if I begin to spiritually develop I’m just going to be connecting.

He’s some kind of, you know, demonic entity or it’s all going to be bad and I’ll never be able to break through the 8th sphere. So it was always something that had to be brought forward at the right time but also something that was held back because of the sort of Darker reality that it is. Now one way that we can kind of merge, the understanding of the eighth sphere with some of the new age Concepts That are pop that better popular today, is it? If you can imagine the lower astral plane, that sort of Darker plane, that’s also associated with the moon. If you could imagine that plane and not playing by the way, in different Traditions, it’s called different things. So the lower astral plane in tibetan mysticism would be called the Bardo plane. Okay. And Christian mysticism.

It would be called probably Purgatory or hell and then in other Eastern Traditions that may be called come a Loca or some other word of moon plane within other Eastern Traditions. So it’s very it’s also very important. If you genuinely want to understand mysticism properly to try to make these these different through ways these different threads. Understand that these concepts are not new. They’re not recently Channel. These are the traditional teachings of all of our ancestors. This is the structure of the cosmos. It is the structure of our own development, and it has been taught in its own way in pretty much every culture in existence. They’ve have their own words for these exact things and their own interactions with the beings and beings would usually be

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Mysticism or Western mysticism, probably jinjin in Middle Eastern and or dark Spirits. Things like this parasitic entities, this kinds of thing. So, nothing that I’m saying here is, you know, new. It’s just bringing this tradition forward in a more Modern Way, using modern terms, And upgrading it or updating it so that we can begin to relate to it using some of the things that are going on today in our culture. So You can view the eighth sphere if you wanted to or at least, that’s how I personally view it. There’s not a whole lot of public information about it, to be honest with you. But you could imagine the eighth sphere as this kind of layer around the earth, right? That’s absorbing all of the pain and the nightmares and then trauma and anything. That’s not organic. It’s where the Divergent timelines. Go. It’s where when you degenerate or you don’t pass an evolutionary phase, you get trapped in the eighth sphere. There’s this is where the idea of prison planet comes from an Incarnation on Nets and the idea of beings being forced to reincarnate over and over and over again, until they can liberate themselves as sort of the eighth sphere. That is that force that force? Is that on, Matt, on Mankind and Each individual interact with it again as though as like a mirror. So I’m not everybody has the same relationship with this plane as realm around the earth, sort of like the more purified you are. The less this realm is going to even affect you. The more immoral you are, the more unethical you are which means the the weaker your electromagnetic field is around your own body, the more susceptible you are for these beings to attack Attached to you and sort of rest you way into that sphere. See, this is why this isn’t usually talked about is because people start to get all kinds of paranoid coming out. So please, please do not get paranoid about this. We do have to talk about this like adults. I know that people can become very afraid Humma with these Concepts but the reality is, is that the spiritual world and mysticism is not to escape, it is not a bedtime story, it is not Paradise all the time. It is a world of light and Shadow. Okay, it is it is It has Darkness. And it does no good for you or for anyone to try to deny this. It makes it worse. So the best thing that we can do is to calmly and maturely to the best of our ability. You know, not overwhelming ourselves, take these Concepts on and begin to understand them and work with them. This is how we get through and we break through the 8th sphere. So, one way that you could view it is as though or time, what we know as the lower astral plane or kind of Hell, or Purgatory or the Bardo realm, what ends up happening is with the Natural Evolution of the cosmos because the cosmos is a living breathing entity, and it is evolving and growing just like we are. And how Grows is through stars and planets and through us, which is kind of like it sells or whatever. Okay. That’s kind of one way to look at it. And so as the cosmos evolves, what ends up happening is, there’s always sort of a process of fission or a process of mitosis, and splitting apart of things. And this is actually how planets are formed if you if you understand the esoteric science to the The science of the cosmos all planets, sort of belong to the Sun or on our expression of it and within the sun’s magnetic field. And are sort of almost like different time periods of the sun itself and then you have as as humanity and different planetary Consciousness has or the solar Consciousness moves down in density and we get denser things, have to start splitting off and individuating. In. To give everything that differentiation and that’s how the individual forms. And that’s how every kind of individual. Everything has formed its most natural process of splitting in mitosis individuating and where we are is probably the most dense version possible, at least for our planet. It is. And so this process of individuation and splitting off is actually very natural and then when we begin to ascend as humanity and as planet We begin to sort of reabsorb and blend and our and our planet itself. Kind of takes on a burning solar Consciousness, and re merges with different planetary, spheres, that sort of represented itself in different stages of evolution. Now, I know this is a bit of a complex topic and we will get into this more and more on my channel as we go. But I’m just bringing this forward to describe that everything is changing, everything is in motion and particularly our cause

Smells. It’s not random, it’s not really even a mystery. It’s a mystery in the sense that we don’t know what it means to us. And we don’t necessarily know what it means to be individual or we don’t necessarily know the pieces of ourselves that are in the stars and in the planets yet but we do know a lot about how things are created and destroyed and the evolution of world that has always existed in the mystery Sciences but Dogmatic materialistic science denies this because dogmatic materialistic science denies that higher Realms exist at all. So that is an incomplete and backward science.

First 20 minutes and 33 seconds.

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